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Australian ocean, on the Great Barrier Reef, a family of clown fish is attacked by a fierce barracuda. The only ones to escape are the father, Marlin, and a little egg about to hatch. Marlin Nemo decides to call it, and promises that anything will happen. Reading Age: from 5 years

Finding Nemo
It is the first day of school for Nemo, a little clown fish happy and lively. But a diving catch him and put him in an aquarium! Fortunately he is not alone in the bathtub and all his new friends, like himself, have in mind one thing: to return to swimming free in the sea. In the meantime, his father Marlin searches for all the dangers facing the ocean in an adventure about love, courage and friendship. Deep feelings ... like the sea. Reading Age: from 5 years. ...

In the pages of this book many colorful images, to learn about the wonderful world of Nemo. Reading Age: from 5 years. ... Adventure under the sea.

A book for young readers, which contains various figures with magnet that you can attach and detach position them anywhere on the book. Reading Age: from 3 years ... is not responsible of the link external to this web site




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