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The Princess and the Frog - In New Orleans magic of the thirties, including the magnificent avenues of the French Quarter and groups of jazz musicians along the streets, Prince Naveen is transformed into a frog by a voodoo priest. The only hope for him is to find a princess to kiss him willing to break the spell. The beautiful Tiana agrees to help him after the kiss, but finds itself transformed into a frog. The fate of both and will transport you into an incredible adventure through the swamps of Louisiana. Accompanying them on their journey, a kaleidoscope of unforgettable characters including the firefly Ray clumsy and very nice alligator musician Louis.

Country: United States
Year: 2009
Directed: Ron Clements and John Musker
Production: Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2010
Time: 90 min.
content: comments, unedited scenes in the original language, interactive gaming, music video is not responsible of the link external to this web site