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Finding Nemo - This movie tells the story of two clownfish Marlin and his son Nemo. Marlin is very protective of Nemo as his beloved goldfish Carol and her other children, were devoured by a huge fish, so Nemo is the only family he has left in life. This hyper-protective, however, makes the fish Nemo very nervous and limited in its desire to know the marine world. Despite the careful watch of Marlin, Nemo ventured inside a barrier reef, is caught off the coast of Australia and will end in the aquarium of a dentist in Sydney. Her father is desperate and in the company of Dory, a forgetful goldfish, who to talk the language of whales, you will desperately looking for Nemo, facing nothing less what he had always feared: the 'ocean. The DVD also contains the presentation of digital movies, video the Commentary of Film, Virtual Aquarium, Trailer: The Incredibles, exploring the reef, The Encyclopedia of the Master Ray Knick knack, Pesciarada: interactive game, Backstage, Realizing Nemo , Gallery of drawings, art exhibitions .... is not responsible of the link external to this web site