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Looney Tunes Video Games

On this page you will find a series of links to other Web sites, for find Video Games about the Looney Tunes : games, systems, system accessories, video gaming merchandise, wholesale lots, strategy guides & cheats, replacement parts, tools and others.Video Games for Personal Computer, PlayStation3 , Xbox 36, Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii.

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Looney Tunes: Cartoon Concerto
Several episodes of the cartoons have been remastered in the studios Warner Brothers and you have to add more musical bases. The game is being able to conduct the orchestra, will miss the points where the audio tracks, which have deteriorated over time and were not able to be remastered. Along with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck Looney Tunes to the other you run from one studio to another, from Warner Bros to solve the problem. You will have to be careful in taking the right notes or you will be thrown out of the studio. Assuming the role of conductor, you must also give the right time to orchestral music that suonaranno the famous cartoon Looney Tunes. The guide on the top screen of the Nintendo DS will allow you to keep the pace that you manage via the stylus on the touch screen. During the game will enable increasingly complex backing tracks, along with the comic scenes associated with them, that will elevate your quality of conductors. But be careful not to make mistakes, because otherwise, they will suffer the orchestra. With the increase of errors, even the Looney Tunes will be depressed and this will affect the continuation of the game, which could jeopardize the success of the exhibition. The cartoon characters from Warner Bros are known as Looney Tunes and Silly Symphonies were born in opposition to the music of Disney cartoons.

Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal
In this game children aged 7 years, can have fun with Bugs Bunny and friends, with their irresistible comedy. Enriched by an original graphic created by Warner Bros, players will engage in an action game and arcade games, including fighting with weapons absurd questions to be resolved and war machines, within the spectacular scenery and environments typical of cartoons. The Looney Tunes have to cope with the Mad Scientist, who would like to delete them forever. Using a time machine, created in his laboratory, travels through time to try and clear the ancestors of the Looney Tunes and their grandchildren. The wily Bugs Bunny and Marvin the Martian, however, have stolen the design of the Mad Scientist and in turn have built their own time machine. You must therefore help to give Looney Tunes hunting in time to the Mad Scientist for impedigli to erase their past, with their phantasmagoric arsenal. The game Looney Tunes Acme Arsenal, uses the best use of the most sophisticated technologies and two game modes, allowing you to challenge the mad scientist in single player mode or with a friend in multiplayer mode. You assume the role of 7 characters: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Taz, Foghorn Leghorn, Marvin the Martian, Gossamer and a mysterious secret character. You can drive a scooter or a motorbike space of World War II, you will find many vehicles from those historical and science fiction, through the various periods of history and legends such as Camelot, Egypt, the planet Mars, the Wild West and the First World War. is not responsible of the link external to this web site