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Hello Kitty is a cute little cat, that in a few years he has captivated millions of little girls, and more, all over the world. From Sanrio snowman, were created numerous trendy gadgets, including clocks.

The Hello Kitty wristwatches, are different from each other and depending on the model, are well suited to baby girls, that girls and adult women. Among the various lines of Hello Kitty watches, we find the classical one, with the leather strap that can be selected from different colors (white, pink, black, etc.); the case, stainless steel, water resistant, is usually circular, but there are also models with rectangular case, or with the funny shape of the head of Hello Kitty, and in some models is embellished with small crystals, which give the points of light simple and elegant watch. The movement is always at the quartz, and the background of the dial varies depending on the model, but usually there is represented Hello Kitty, with different colors, depending on the rest of the clock.

Turning to some models' most sought, are those with the strap at cuff, made ??of stainless steel. These models are intended for an age group, which includes adult women and girls, a little 'less than baby girls. The elegant and refined, makes them suitable to be worn both in everyday life and for special occasions. The case is made of stainless steel like the band, the movement is quartz and the form can take one of the big face of Hello Kitty, or may be the classic oval or rectangle, depending on your taste and the model. The background of the dial, Hello Kitty-style, is in pastel colors, embellished dall'effige the cat that can also be decorated with glitter.

Since this character, much loved by the baby girls, were put on the market, even watches the simplest that can be taken even by children without obligation : clocks are reduced in size compared to those presented previously, with the strap and the locking clip easier. Also in this case, the movement is quartz, and the choice between the various colors on the market is difficult.

Hello Kitty is one of the puppets out of fashion at the moment and the girls are crazy about it: These watches are the perfect gift for them, but also for girls and women who have been affected by the charm of this little cat. Products are safe, as to which, those who love this character, will hardly give up.

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