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Over 20.000 visitors for the eighth edition of Napoli Comicon Thousands of fans of comics and cartoons crowded the spaces of Castel Sant Elmo during the three-day international exhibition of comics and animation

2006 Micheluzzi / Comicon Awards awarded: all winners

More than twenty thousand visitors in three days, six different thematic exhibitions, four areas for meetings, previews, meetings with authors, illustrators, screenwriters and designers from all over the world: these, in summary, are the numbers of the eighth edition of Napoli Comicon , the international exhibition of comics and animation, which has been part of the official programming of Castel Sant Elmo / Polo Museale in Naples for four years.

The sixteenth-century Neapolitan castle and seven other prestigious locations (the Goethe Institut - Neapel, La Feltrinelli Libri & Musica in Naples, the Polo della Qualit of Marcianise - Caserta, the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, the Grenoble Institut Francais de Naples, the Duel: Beat of Agnano and the Phonotheque of Naples) hosted the more than twenty thousand comics and cartoons fans who met from 3 to 5 March in Naples.

During the eighth edition of Naples COMICON, the Attilio Micheluzzi / COMICON Awards were also assigned for works published during the year 2005. The Selection Committee is made up of experts, journalists and critics - it indicated the nominations and was coordinated by Matteo Stefanelli. The Micheluzzi Prize Jury, made up of five significant personalities from the world of cultural production, was chaired by an exceptional author, Alfredo Castelli, and involved the jurors Sergio Brancato, Paul Karasik, Meg and Giusto Toni.

Here are all the winners of the Attilio Micheluzzi / COMICON 2006 Awards

Best comic book _ Fats Waller, by Carlos Sampayo and Igort (Coconino Press)
Best script for a comic book _ A tear on the face, Giorgio Mascitelli (The Dogs)
Best drawing for a comic book _ This is the room, Gipi (Coconino Press)
Best foreign comic book _
Cinema Panopticum, by Thomas Ott (Black Velvet)
Best reissue
_ Vitt Diary, by Jacovitti (La Repubblica)
Best realistic series _ Dampyr (Sergio Bonelli Publisher)
Best script for a realistic series
_ Doctrine n. 3, Alessandro Bilotta (Magic Press)
Best design for a realistic series _ Dampyr n. 66, The great river, Majo (Sergio Bonelli Editore) Best humorous series _ Rat-Man (Panini Comics)
Best script for a humorous series
_ Pilly, in Baribal, Giovanna Zoboli (Baribal)
Selection for the Best drawing for a humorous series _ Monster Allergy n. 27: The eye of Maggoth, Antonello Dalena, Arianna Rea, Paolo Campinoti and Paolo Ferrante (The Walt Disney Company Italy / Buena Vista Comics)
Selection for the best foreign series
_ Bone, by Jeff Smith (Panini Comics).

The organization of Napoli Comicon is led by the cultural director Luca Boschi and the organizational director Claudio Curcio in collaboration with the Andrea Pazienza Comic Center, has also awarded the Nuove Strade award to Giacomo Nanni, a young author who distinguished himself during 2005


Cinematic previews

The Comicon 2006 exhibitions

JIMMY @ Comicon


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