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The 2nd volume of the Wolf's Rain manga is out

At newsagents, comics and specialized bookshops

Edition details

Format: 13 x 18
Pages: About 200, b / w and color
Packaging: milled paperback with colored cut
First Edition: special in 5 colors, plasticized
Reading: Japanese

Work details

Type: Miniseries (Concluded) From the TV series, a sample of ratings broadcast on MTV, a volume that will present features (such as the colored cut) never seen before in a manga and reserved, even in Japan, for luxury or limited editions.

What the series is about?:In a dramatic final battle, Kiba and the wolf pack reach the Flower Girl, a prisoner of The gates of "Rakuen" are opening. But will it actually be the paradise so sought after by Kiba, Tsume, Hige and Toboe? In a dramatic showdown, where all the mysteries about Cheza's origin and existence will be revealed, the wolves will have to face Darcia and figure out if they really are a pack and what their hearts' true desires are ...

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