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The Bi-Bi

Original title: The Bee-Bees
Maco, Bina, Blob, Buu
Production: De Mas & Partners, Rai Fiction, Village Productions
Regia: Pierluigi de Mas, Gianandrea Garola, Guido Orlandi
Country: Italy
Year: 2006
Gender: Fantastic
Episodes: 52
Duration: 7 minutes
Recommended age: Children from 0 to 5 years old

The morning band of Rai 2 dedicated to children offers, from Tuesday September 26, an all-Italian novelty. to 9.45 - minute more, minute less - the extraordinary adventures of “I Bi-Bi”, the cartoon series by de Mas & partners, co-produced with Rai Fiction and Village Productions, are broadcast.

After receiving two nominations in past editions of Cartoons on the Bay, the series is now presented to the general public, who will be fascinated by the wonderful world of “I Bi-Bi”. The 52 episodes of 6 minutes each have already been sold in many European countries, North Africa and also in Arab countries, confirming the excellent quality of a cartoon that promises to be the success of the next television season.

The protagonists of the series are Baco, Bina, Blob and Bu, four small creatures with an original appearance that live in a fantasy world, built for children.
The Bi-Bi themselves reflect and represent the peculiar way of pre-school children to relate to the world. Each of them has a particular characteristic that distinguishes it from the others and that, at the same time, makes it special and unique. Bina, for example, stretches her legs and can grab things with her tail. Blob transforms into the most diverse objects. Buu, in turn, breaks down into many small Buu and then recomposes himself as if nothing had happened. Finally, Baco activates the small antenna on his head and in the blink of an eye the Blue Sage appears, his `` personal adviser '' who suggests, often involuntarily, the solution to the problems and small mysteries of every day. In the world of Bi-Bi, in fact, every event, even the simplest, turns into a great adventure.



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