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The Sagwa kitten

Original title: Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat
Characters: Sagwa, Dongwa, Sheewa, Fu-Fu, Mandarin, Auctioneer
Author: Amy Tan
Production: Cin Groupe, Sesame Workshop
Country: Canada, United States

Year: September 3 2001
Broadcast in Italy: 1979
Gender: Comedy
Episodes: 40
Duration: 30 minutes
Recommended age: Children from 0 to 5 years old

The Sagwa kitten

Sagwa's cartoon series was created by Cin Groupe studios, Industrial FX Productions Inc., PBS and Sesame Workshop, for a total of 26 episodes each lasting 30 minutes. In Italy they were broadcast starting from March 2007 on Boing e Italy 1. Sagwa is a pretty kitten with a strong spirit of adventure that leads her to always get into trouble. He lives with his family, consisting of mom, dad and two brothers, in a Chinese village, right in the Mandarino palace, a cheerful and somewhat distracted character. In addition to his refined wife and his three very cuddled daughters, the palace also has an attentive secretary and an excellent cook.The royal cats have the particularity of writing with their tails, in perfect calligraphy, the laws promulgated by the Mandarin. Sagwa also has a close friend: a bungling bat with whom he shares his many adventures.

All the characters and images of the Sagwa cartoon are copyright © Cin Groupe, Industrial FX Productions Inc., PBS and Sesame Workshop .. they are used here for cognitive and informative purposes.

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