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Original title: Mysticons
Arkayna Goodfey, Emerald "Em" Goldenbraid, Zarya Moonwolf, Piper Willowbrook
:Sean Jara
Topps Animation, Corus Entertainment, Nelvana
Country: Canada, United States
Year: 28 August 2017
Gender: Urban fantasy
Duration: 22 minutes
Recommended age: Children from 6 to 12 years old

A new fantasy series for girls is coming to Nickelodeon. This is Mysticons, a fantasy cartoon with an urban setting that will be broadcast starting Monday, August 28 at 16.00. Produced by Topps Animation, Corus Entertainment and Nelvana each episode of the series lasts 22 minutes and is full of action and fantasy with the four female super protagonists who will have to fight against the forces of evil for the good of humanity.

Created and produced by Sean Jara (see the series Johnny Test ), Mysticons is the story of Arkayna, Zarya, Emerald and Piper, four girls who come from different locations and life experiences, who transform into the legendary Mysticons. The protagonists residing in Drake City, have been predestined by an ancient prophecy to fight evil and protect the kingdom from the forces of evil. Our super heroines reunite when the evil Queen Necraph is released from her prison.

The "Sisters in Arms" series episode will see the protagonists introduce themselves to the legendary Dragon Disc, which will give them magical powers.

Comic book publisher Dark Horse Comics will release a comic book series based on the series in the summer of 2018.

Watch the Mysticons trailer

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