Cartoonito presents in absolute TV premiere: SIMONE, the series based on the editorial success of Stephanie Blake.
Preview on 7 December at 20.30 and, afterwards, from 24 December every day at 13.00.
Prima TV su finally arrives in Italy Cartoon
(channel 46 of the DTT), SIMONE, the TV series from
international success of the book series by the French-American artist Stephanie Blake.
Simone is a long-eared white rabbit, but first of all he is a 5 year old determined, proud, and full of vitality and irony. Face everyday life divided between family, school and relationships with friends, trying emotions and fears in front of all those first times that mark the growth of every child: the first day of school, the first visit to the dentist, the first love, the birth of a little brother etc. Other themes dealt with, always with extreme lightness and irony, are: the relationship with friends, made up of competition, team play and bickering; the interaction with the younger brother, full of affection, complicity and admiration but also often of jealousy and anger. And the typical imagination of children of his age cannot be missing.
For this reason, the small spectators see Simone's strengths and weaknesses again, and the parents find on the show those real and familiar situations made of laughter, tantrums and discoveries.
The protagonist's little brother is called Gaspare, he is about two and a half years old, he loves Simone and would like to imitate him in everything, obviously causing the irritation of his older brother.
The father, Andrea, is a model father. He works as a carpenter in the home garden for this reason he is always very present in the lives of children and has the opportunity to also take care of housework. The mother, Eva, works all day away from home and in the time she devotes to her family she is always attentive, caring and full of energy. She is funny and funny but, when the situation calls for it, she can be rigorous and authoritative.
December 24 at 13.00 do not miss the Christmas special on Prima TV SIMONE - THE CHRISTMAS NIGHT. Here, the little protagonist is worried that Santa Claus will not be able to find their home, surrounded by a lot of snow. For this reason, with his brother Gaspare, he secretly builds a landing strip using Christmas tree lights.
The series follows the style of the illustrations, concise but effective, that characterize the book. Strong strokes, bold colors with few shades, lines that are very close to children's drawings that therefore also find familiarity in the look & feel of the show.