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You want to have fun with an exciting volleyball match between Daffy Duck and his athletic and strong opponent Stonecold? The game is very simple you can move Daffy forward or backward with the keyboard arrows. Whenever you need to hit, serve, or repel the ball your opponent has hit, you must click the space bar keyboard. As in all volleyball games, you need to have a sense of position based on your opponent's throw, otherwise you may be blown away by the type of serve you will receive. Be very careful when the word "powerfull", in fact, the following keys will be activated in sequence: Z (for the dunk) X (to make the wall) C (for break dance) V (to dive underground). You will be able to use them throughout the set, when you see fit. You will need these to accumulate points towards your personal best. I advise you to press the button Z when you are away from the network, in this case it is better to operate X to make the wall. The other keys are used to repel your opponent's dunks. Each match consists of two sets of 15 points. You will be offered three types of sets: 1-Easy, consisting of a set, 2 - medium, consisting of 3 sets e 3 - Hard consisting of 5 sets. Each match will be played in different fields: gym, countryside, beach. If you see that your opponent's throw is very long and you anticipate that it will go out of bounds, you may want to not touch the ball in order to score a point in your favor.

Check the menu on the right to see the records obtained by all world players who have played this game.

Good fun!

"Trucky Duck - Volley Ball" copyright Warer Brows. Cartonionline has linked to for the sole purpose of reviewing the game. All Looney Tuns characters are copyright Warner Bros
Other links
The Daffy Duck story