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Weathering with you

Weathering with youWeathering with you

Original title: tenki no ko
Directed by:
Makoto Shinkai
Characters: Hodaka Morishima, Hina Amano, Keisuke Suga, Natsumi, Nagi Amano, Yasui, Takai
Production: CoMix Wave Inc.
Year 2019
Duration 114 minutes
Distribution: Nexo Digital
: Japan
Exit date: 14 October 2019 at the cinema
Gender: Anime, sentimental
Recommended age: 14 -18 years

Weathering with You (Tenki no ko in the Japanese original) is a Japanese animated film written and directed by Makoto Shinkai and produced by Comix Wave Films after its 2016 hit "Your Name". The film was screened in Japanese cinemas on July 19, 2019, while its release in Italy is scheduled for October 14, 2019. It is currently the latest Japanese film to have grossed over 10 billion yen at the Japanese box office in 2019. the previous Your Name. It is the 6th highest-grossing animated film of all time in Japan. The film was selected in Japan for the best international film category of the 92 Academy Awards.

During the summer of his first year of high school, Hodaka escapes his remote home island to take refuge in Tokyo. Here, Hodaka will soon find himself facing both financial and personal limitations. The meeting with Hina, a brilliant and strong-willed girl, will however change the course of events because the young woman possesses a strange and wonderful ability: the power to stop the rain and make the sun shine.

Weathering with You characters:

Hodaka Morishima , A high school student who leaves his home on an island to go to Tokyo, but who soon regrets it. He lives his isolated days, but eventually finds work as a writer for a magazine.

Hina Amano A cheerful girl with her brother. It has the power to stop the rain and clear the sky.

Keisuke Suga , Writer who works in the same company as the Hodaka magazine.

Natsumi Suga , A college student who works in the same publishing house as ùàHodaka and Keisuke.

You smoke Tachibana , An old woman whom Hodaka goes to visit.

Nagi Amano , Hina's younger brother.

Detective Yasui , An old retired detective.

Detective Takai , A detective colleague of Yasui until his retirement and who continues to work as a detective.

Images of the film Weathering with You

Weathering with youWeathering with you

Weathering with you
Weathering with you

Weathering with you
Weathering with you

Weathering with you
Weathering with you

Weathering with you
Weathering with you

Video trailer of the film Weathering with You

Weathering with You | New Official Italian Trailer (2019)

Other Makoto Shinkai movies
5 cm per second by Makoto Shinkai
YOUR NAME by Makoto Shinkai


All names, images and trademarks are copyright Makoto Shinkai / CoMix Wave Inc. and its rights holders and are used here for information and information purposes only.



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