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The Corpse Bride

The Corpse Bride

"Emily doesn't have a beating heart. But the feelings never die and perhaps she will always suffer from love"
The corpse bride is the latest masterpiece by Tim Barton, made with a mixture of stop motion animation technique and 3d computer graphics.

The Corpse Bride

The plot of the film (which takes up an ancient Russian fairy tale) introduces us to a gray and tedious world: we are in the Gothic-Victorian age and Victor, accompanied by his parents (wealthy traders), must marry Victoria (a girl who does not even withosce daughter of fallen nobles), in the light of a marriage of interest. But a fleeting meeting between the two is enough and as if by magic they will snap the spark of love. However, Victor, shy and awkward, is unable to pronounce his marriage promise during rehearsals, so the celebration is postponed.

The Corpse Bride

Then the young man goes sad and dejected into the woods, where wrapped in a ghostly atmosphere, he suddenly pronounces the rite with passionate involvement, until he slips the wedding ring on a branch. Except that this branch is actually Emily's finger, a corpse bride who, awakened by so much ardor, proclaims the fateful yes, forcing the new husband to be recognized. As a result, Victor finds himself catapulted into the lively and colorful world of the dead (complete with worms sprouting from ears, eyes that jump, heads that walk, bodies that open and more) that will make us anything but scary.

The Corpse Bride

Here we will enter the heart of the adventure of our protagonists, but will not add anything else so as not to snatch the flavor of the surprise.
Tim Barton, in collaboration with Mike Johnson, was able to concentrate in the Corpse Bride (animation that took 10 years of work) with elegant humor, fun and poetry, to the rhythm of vibrant and melodic musical notes. In short, he confirms his style that we had already been able to appreciate in "Nightmare before Christmas". I would also like to emphasize that although The Corpse Bride revolves around two central themes of existence, such as love and death (especially the latter which sooner or later arrives for everyone, as we are reminded by the cheering corpses), With lightness, but without falling into banality: the whole film is animated by a profound participation, so much so that death appears as a cheerful liberation from the sufferings of earthly life.

The Corpse Bride

Another message that we can grasp is the encounter between life and death, so as to accentuate the persistence of a contact between living and non-living, an invisible border that resides in the heart and in the strength of authentic feelings. Thus also the tormented and unhappy corpse bride will find peace again. On the technical level we appreciate the attention to detail, the realism of an ultra-worldly and worldly world at the same time enhances the spectator's participation. Suggestive and delightfully poetic is the image of butterflies, which occurs at the beginning and at the end of the film: at first a single butterfly with graying colors and prisoner of ink and paper; in the end, many splendid white and evanescent butterflies represent Emily's pacified soul: a myriad of starry butterflies flying towards the sky.

by Helga Corpino

Video trailer The Corpse Bride


Original title: 
Corpse Bride
Great Britain
75 '
Directed by: 
Tim Burton, Mike Johnson
Official site: 
Allison Abbate, Tim Burton
Warner Bros.
Exit date: 
October 28, 2005


All names, images and trademarks are copyright 2005 Warner Bros., Allison Abbate, Tim Burton and those entitled, and are used here for information and information purposes only.

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