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Niko a reindeer for friendNiko is a small reindeer cub, his father is a member of the legendary Flying Forces who pull Santa's sleigh. Unfortunately, however, Niko has never met his real father and none of his friends seem to believe him when he talks about the famous alleged dad and everyone teases him when he tries to fly and immediately falls to the ground. So every day, Niko, who suffers terribly from vertigo, along with his faithful friend and adoptive father Julius, a flying squirrel, trains to be able to fly with poor results. One day Niko, Julius and Wilma, a singing weasel, decide to leave for a fantastic and dangerous adventure in cold and gloomy territories in search of the mythical stable of Santa's reindeer; However, they will have to deal with the evil Black Wolf who, together with his gang, has devised a secret plan to eliminate Santa's flying reindeer.


Original title: Niko - Lent j n poika
Country: Finland, Denmark, Germany, Ireland
Year: 2009
Gender: animation
Duration: 80 '
Directed by: Kari Juusonen and Michael Hegner
Production:Cinemaker Oy, Anima Vitae, A. Film, Animaker, Ulysses
Distribution:CDE screen
Exit : October 30, 2009 (cinema)


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