SPACE CHIMPS The animated film Space Chimp will be released in cinemas starting February 6, 2009. Produced by Vanguard Animation, the same company of Valiant fighting pigeons, the film was directed by Kirk De Micco.
The story has as its protagonist the monkey Ham III, a direct descendant of Ham, the monkey who first went into space, on an experimental mission in 1961. Ham III works in a circus, performing reckless stunts and getting fired from a cannon. He is noticed by a Space Agency, looking for a guinea pig to send into space, for a dangerous mission: Ham III has all the features you need. The Infinity space probe was sucked into a black hole, therefore Ham III in the company of the two chimpanzees Luna and Titan, after a hard course of training, is sent into the cosmos, with the aim of recovering the precious probe of the value of 5 billion. Otherwise, the Space Agency laboratory will be converted by the US government into a factory for the production of ceramic plates. After a series of hilarious adventures, and having overcome the space-time barrier of the black hole unscathed, the primates land on the planet Malgor, where the perfidious tyrant Zartog commands, an alien who has subdued the peaceful inhabitants. Ham III and his friends will have to fight against Zartog's monsters in order to oust the evil alien and restore freedom to the planet Malgor. While not being able to approach (for obvious reasons), Space Chimps to the sophisticated Disney Pixar or Dreamworks productions, this animated film, which recalls the famous "Planet of the Apes", gives us minutes of healthy entertainment, where also from the point of view of graphics and animations, there are significant steps forward compared to the previous Valiant. The care that has been dedicated to the expressions of the characters and to the detail of the technological equipment is certainly to be appreciated. The film also makes us reflect on the role that animals have played in the course of human scientific achievements. We remember the men who landed on the moon, but few know the heroism of the Laica dog and the chimpanzees Ham and Enos, who experienced space flight before man. <
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