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walking with the Dinosaurs

A scene from the movie Walking with dinosaurs

An exciting new adventure is coming to all cinemas on January 23rd! For fans of the giants of the Cretaceous period, and 3D graphics, it comes out Walking with the Dinosaurs (Walking with Dinosaurs).

The history of the film
In a distant era, more than 70 million years ago, the baby pachyrinosaurus, Pachi, finds himself living extraordinary adventures, facing dangers, fighting against terrible predators, in the difficult and exciting journey towards adulthood. An awkward, affectionate and sympathetic puppy, the latest addition to his pachyrinosaur family, Pachi follows his heart and intelligence, to get by in any situation. The Bulldozer father, a strong and respected dinosaur, teaches him not to get into trouble and to stand up to his enemies. But, you know, when you are little, you don't have so many responsibilities, protected by the loving care of your parents. Things change, however, when, without warning, these are missing

Like every year, the time of migration arrives in the Upper Cretaceous and Bulldozer leads the pack the long way. Suddenly, a forest fire blocks their way. Flames, you know, can be lethal, with heat and their rapid flare-up. To have the worst, unfortunately, is Pachi's mother. In an attempt to defend her puppies, she is dragged into the stake and dies.

A scene from the movie Walking with dinosaursEven Bulldozer, who, to escape the flames, drives away Pachi and the brother Musone (Scowler) from the forest, meets an equal, terrible fate. Reached by a ravenous gorgosaurus, in fact, he tries to protect his children. But in the exhausting battle between the two, the pachirinosaurus is defeated, leaving the two orphaned brothers.

And so, Pachi and his older brother Musone, to whom the young woman joins friend Juniper (Juniper), they remain alone. As different in character as they are determined to remain united, the two brothers must become leaders of the pack to lead the pachyrinosaurs in the great migration. Needless to say, the path is immediately full of pitfalls and dangerous adventures. For Pachi, every fight is a real test of courage and a reason for inner growth. And to make everything even more difficult, there is Musone, who, with his ugly obstinate and careless character, certainly does not help him, not even in matters of the heart. Pachi's timid attempts to break through the heart of Ginepro, a beautiful and courageous female, in turn attracted by her young friend, in fact, are not understood by her brother, but on the contrary, hindered. At the end of the training journey, in which he also risks his life to save family and loved ones, Pachi can consider his growth path complete. With great valor, he transforms from antihero to leader of the pack.

A scene from the movie Walking with dinosaursCharacters
Opposed to the trio of pachyrinosaurs protagonists, there is the villain of the story, Gorgon, belonging to the pack of gorgosaurs, the killers of Bulldozer. Hungry more than a tyrannosaurus and ready to do anything to satisfy his hunger for prey, he is a quick and cunning strategist on the hunt for food. It is Pachi's worst nightmare. Other characters, then, accompany our heroes in the course of their adventure. Alex, a prehistoric bird of the Alexornis genus, has a symbiotic relationship with Pachi. In exchange for a guaranteed meal, Alex keeps his friend clean of ticks and annoying little insects. Like a sort of talking cricket that suddenly appears and shows the right way, it is also the narrator who converses with the spectator. Alphadont A small mammal, shy and reserved, bothered by the not-so-intoxicating smell of Pachi.

As a side dish, there are others dinosaur groups that interact and sometimes collide with each other. There is the group of Chirostenotes, formidable runners, the herd of Parksosauri vegetarians, the fearsome Ankilosaurs with the body covered with very hard plaques. Or, again, the Pterosaurs, rulers of prehistoric skies, the Troodonti, small-sized predators greedy for pachirinosaurs, and many others.

A scene from the movie Walking with dinosaursFeature film directed by Neil Nightingale and Barry Cook, and distributed by Twentieth Century Fox, A walk with the dinosaurs is taken from the homonymous TV series of the BBC which kept 700.000 spectators glued to the small screen. It cost $ 80 million, but US box office receipts did not meet expectations (stopping at 32 million). On the one hand, the film, lasting 90 minutes, captures the viewer in an almost hypnotic way, for the realism of the settings and scenes and for the spectacular 3D. With their eyes glued to the screen, the public is catapulted into prehistory, in the company of dinosaurs that it almost seems they can touch, made in the smallest details, following the most recent scientific discoveries. Sophisticated state-of-the-art technology and computer graphics have made great strides here, creating a fluid animation, so natural that it seems real.

On the other hand, however, the film is surprising because, after all, it is not clear what it is. It is not a documentary, but not even an animated film tout court. Furthermore, due to the way the plot, dialogues, and characterization of the characters are organized, it seems that the real target audience is that of children, who, with their childhood comedy, are able to fully enjoy their humor and gag.

Movie poster A walk with the dinosaurs
Original title: Walking with Dinosaurs 3D
Country: USA
Year: 2013
Gender: animation
Duration: 87 '
Directed by: Barry Cook and Neil Nightingale
Production:BBC Earth, BBC Worldwide, Evergreen Films, Reliance Big Entertainment
Distribution: Twentieth Century Fox
Exit :  January 23, 2014 (cinema)


All names, images and registered trademarks are copyright BBC Earth, BBC Worldwide, Evergreen Films, Reliance Big Entertainment and of those entitled and are used here exclusively for information and information purposes.

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