"In the mountains with Annette"(Original Title: Arupusu Monogatari Watashi no Annette), the cartoon produced by Nippon Animation in 1983, directed by Kouzou kusuba and drawn by Kenji Yoshida, is part of the project
World Masterpiece Theater
Annette is a lively nine-year-old girl with a strong temperament who lives in a quiet Swiss village, Rossini re. All the villagers love her and she is always surrounded by many friends. Among these is the tender and careless Lucien, with whom the little girl forms a deep friendship. The cartoon was recently broadcast on the digital terrestrial channel Boing, on 17 September 2008 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) at 23.30pm.
Together with her peers, Annette spends her time between school and games: one of her favorite pastimes is sledding. In fact, it is customary in Rossini re, to organize an annual sled race: Annette participates in it determined to finish first, even than her worthy and skilled rival Lucien: despite the good conditions they will both lose the race (in truth Annette would have won the a little frightened hare had not suddenly appeared, which the girl avoids by falling from the sled in order not to run over). Meanwhile, Mr. Fernandel, a friend of Pierre (Annette's father), urges him to join his wife Francine as soon as possible (whose health conditions, already frail due to a weak heart, worsen following pregnancy).
Thus, after having given birth to Dany, a splendid boy, Francine's heart, not resisting the labors of childbirth, stops beating - Christmas Eve, an eve that will remain etched forever in the child's heart. Before she dies Francine makes Annette promise to take care of her little brother and never abandon him. In fact, it will be she who will prevent her father from entrusting him, even for a short time, to strangers, assuming all responsibility. To do this, however, she regretfully decides to drop out of school and continue her studies at home with the help of Lucien (who would bring her class notes daily).
But the generous teacher, aware of the difficult situation, in order not to leave behind such a diligent pupil, offers to give her lessons in private; despite the great sacrifices, the little one welcomes. Time passes more and more tiring for Annette (who never complains about anything), until one day her father writes a letter to her elderly great-aunt (Aunt Caude), inviting her to stay with them, so as to take care of Dany and housework. Immediately Pierre's decision turns out to be right and sensible: Aunt Claude gladly accepts the invitation and soon his attentions conquer the whole family. Annette returns to school and to her carefree games again, while little Dany grows up strong, healthy and even a little spoiled by his older sister, who adores him and would do anything for him.
But one day a misfortune happens: because of Lucien, Dany falls from a ravine; he will be saved by a miracle, but will completely lose the use of his legs. Annette, blinded by resentment, does not forgive Lucien, whom she considers the only culprit of the incident and with a resoluteness that would be the envy of any adult, she will no longer speak to him. Lucien, afflicted by a deep sense of guilt and loss, will not know how to give himself peace; so he promises himself to find a way to bring Dany to the city and have him treated by the best specialists, so that he can regain the use of his legs. But before this can happen it will take time, meanwhile other events will happen, some of which unpleasant and unjust, others tender and melancholy.
"L sui monti con Annette", based on the novel "Tesori tra la neve" (1950), by Patricia St. John, is an intertwining of strong and conflicting feelings, which translate into a tragic story, often unjust, but also very engaging. Sometimes Annette's toughness can seem questionable, almost as if not believing that a little girl can have such heated feelings and make choices of an unshakable nature. After all, Dany represents for the protagonist the only concrete link with her deceased mother. Her attachment to the little one goes far beyond fraternal affection: it is a suffered, maternal love. Dany for Annette has absolute priority over any other bond and would give her life for him. This cartoon renders in an impeccable way the depth of the human soul, the contrasting sensations (often also evil) that invade it and that characterize it already from a young age. Also accomplices the drawings and animations, which are very beautiful (especially the landscapes) and well conducted.