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On this page you will find a series of links to other Web sites for find The Aristocats Children's Books.

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The aristocratic Madame Adelaide is affectionate to her cats: Duchess, a beautiful white kitten, Minou and the three kittens, Matisse and Bizet. When the greedy butler Edgar discovers that Madame is going to leave all their wealth to the cats instead of him, decides to act. So, one night kidnaps them and abandons them in the countryside. There they met a cute stray cat, which will offer to help Duchess and the kittens find their way home. Their return journey with your new friend and his fellow musicians will be the beginning of an exciting adventure! Reading Age: from 5 years ..

This site don't sell the items listed

Grolier Disney World Reading - Aristocats 0611
LGB Little Golden book Sydney
Walt Disney-1970 1st Ed. A Golden Book
4 songs Walt Disney 1972 children
(1996, Paperback)
Disney's and the Missing Necklace

This is a sample list, about the type of items that were published.

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