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The Sleeping Beauty -
There was once a beautiful princess named Aurora marked by a horrendous spell: the wound caused by a zone would make it fall into endless sleep. But his godmothers, fairies three fun, discover the trick to break the spell. A kiss of the handsome Prince Philip will awaken the sleeping princess. First, however, the hero has to fight the awful wrath of Maleficent, the most cruel of all the witches ....

THE SLEEPING BEAUTY - Thanks to an incredible entertainment and an extraordinary score by Tchaikovsky adapted by immortality, the magicians of Disney animation transforms the unforgettable tale of Sleeping Beauty in a spectacular adventure filled with suspense, romance and fantasy. There was once a beautiful princess named Aurora marked by a terrible curse: the prick of a zone would make it fall into an eternal sleep. But his godmothers, three cute little fairies, they find a way to break the spell. A kiss of the handsome Prince Philip will awaken the sleeping princess. First, however, the hero must face the terrible wrath of Maleficent, the most cruel of all the witches. The Sleeping Beauty: amazing magic, incomparably rich in a classic that will delight the whole family. is not responsible of the link external to this web site