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Tricycles of Minecraft

On this page you will find a series of links, about the sale of tricycles of Minecraft. For any information click on the item, read the description and contact the advertiser directly. Compare prices between the various types of tricycles

Tricycles are a type of bicycle, designed for children (usually the simplest ones, suitable for children aged 15 months and up) and equipped with 3 wheels that allow greater stability. The tricycle can be an excellent gift idea to give to our children as it teaches them to "drive", stay in balance and prepare them, in this way, to use the two-wheeled bicycle. Furthermore, tricycles give children the opportunity to learn coordination while having fun.

Tricycles for children are usually equipped with a small basket, a safety belt and a long rear handle, called "parental handle" which allows parents to guide and help them, as long as they need them.

There are so many models of tricycles for children in cartoon style.
Among the best sellers we find that of Mickey mouse, a cardboard beloved by children and that of Minnie. Other tricycles sold with a cartoon theme, are those depicting the Frozen cartoon and those representing superheroes (such as superman, Minecraft and so on).
Prices are generally quite high, ranging from around € 30 to around € 100 for the most well-equipped, with lights and sounds that are fun and engaging for children.
Their cleaning is very simple because most children's tricycles are made of metal and plastic.

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