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Bakugan Video Games

On this page you will find a series of links to other Web sites, for find Video Games about Bakugan : games, systems, system accessories, video gaming merchandise, wholesale lots, strategy guides & cheats, replacement parts, tools and others.
Video Games for Personal Computer, PlayStation3 , Xbox 36, Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii.
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Bakugan: Battle Brawlers
The character of the animated hit series, also arrives on video games. With Bakugan Battle Brawlers can assume the role of Dan and help the world of Vestroia in the fight against hordes of evil. You will have the opportunity to build your character, modeled on the basis of many characteristics, both physical power. The game is structured in 24 exciting levels, 8 different scenarios, 6 places of combat, 35 Bakugan Series 2 Bakugan with the inclusion of the original 19 characters to change at will, over 200 maps and 250 components to unlock. You can either play with the option of single player or with some friend in multiplayer mode.

Bakugan: Battle Brawlers (Nintendo DS)
The character of the animated hit series, also arrives on video games. With Bakugan Battle Brawlers can assume the role of Dan and help the world of Vestroia in the fight against hordes of evil. You will have the opportunity to build your character, modeled on the basis of many characteristics, both physical power. The game is structured in 24 exciting levels, 8 different scenarios, 6 places of combat, 35 Bakugan Series 2 Bakugan with the inclusion of the original 19 characters to change at will, over 200 maps and 250 components to unlock. You can either play with the option of single player or with some friend in multiplayer mode. is not responsible of the link external to this web site