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Donald Duck Video Games

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Donald Mission Duck (for PC) - In this game you must help Donald to overcome various difficulties, without anger him. As reconstructed in a spectacular three-dimensional handwriting, Donald will also draw on the assistance of Daisy Duck and Huey, Dewey, Here to fight against his opponents and more than 24 different locations. The game made for PC is not compatible with Microsoft operating systems Windows 2000, XP and Millennium.

Donald Who is PK? (For PC) In this unique game you take on the role of the mysterious PK Paperinik, enlisted as a special guard to Ducklair Tower, a building belong to Uncle Scrooge. Donald will find a super computer called One, that he would ask his help. This will allow them to equip themselves with sophisticated equipment and wear a new costume. It is the turn of Donald Duck, that perennial bad luck, has the opportunity to become a great superhero. But first needs to undergo a strenuous workout. The first danger is Evroniani by extraterrestrials, who want to conquer the land. Your job is to help PK in this difficult mission, within 4 worlds. You'll have to get over 4 levels of play, which will catapult you into the environments typical of the comic Walt Disney Company, such as: Ducklair Tower, the submarine base, Area 52 and the Spaceship Evronian. is not responsible of the link external to this web site