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They are dedicated to baby girls who love Minnie, Disney cartoon classic character, the watches cheerful and colorful to be worn on the wrist or place in the bedroom. Ideal for girls, but not limited to: Minnie is in fact a character that never goes out of fashion, and also suitable for teenagers and women.
It 'nice to wear and easy to consult, for example, Ingersoll wristwatch is ideal not only for girls, but also for women from the romantic spirit and cheerful: it is made with a fine leather strap, available in various colors, and has a ring studded with crystals, a fashion choice very nice and fashionable. Bright is also the quadrant, inside of which, is depicted the sweet Minnie, always with crystals of various colors.

For the baby girls, however, the wristwatch Disney of plastic is absolutely perfect: it is color pink, and proposes the image of the cute little mouse, Minnie, within the quadrant, while into the strap are depicted of colorful fruits. But real peculiarity of this watch, and a feature that will adore the baby girls is the presence of a projector, next to the dial: it is a function, capable of projecting a beam of colored light, who showing their Minnie. Finally, to make a nice gift inspired just the nice Minnie Disney, is perfect for the set consisting of wrist watch and wall clock hanging in the room: the latter, in particular, proposed within the quadrant, the stamp of Minnie and Daisy Duck, and is characterized by very feminine colors like pink and lilac.

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