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The images of Snoopy and the Peanuts, not only found on t-shirts and mugs, but have long been available also in other commercial sectors. The beagle dog created by the imagination of Charles Schultz, also decorates wristwatches, wall and alarm clocks that have become collector's items, as well as tools for measuring time. Although designed in most cases for children and teens, they often assume a more sophisticated products and become accessories for adults, As the lady's wristwatch with round case and metal band, on the dial, in a space that is usually found on 12, is represented at the nose of Snoopy. This imaginative detail, enhances the appearance of the object, with a mechanism by hands clock, date display and sold complete with battery. It is rather intended for a the youngs, another Peanuts wrist watch with stainless steel case and quartz movement, this model has a blue plastic strap decorated with two images of Snoopy, one that plays football and the other in which assumes the pose of his alter ego, Joe Cool, applied to the element end. At the center of the dial, there is still Snoopy player version. The joy of Snoopy, can also become a piece of furniture in the house, with wall clocks and alarm of Peanuts: the former have a simple design and a dial decorated with images of the characters of Schultz, the frame is made of plastic or metal, depending on the model. To start your day, you can not miss the alarm clock of Snoopy: This object has a traditional shape, and polished metal: in the middle of the field hands clock, there is the world's most famous beagle dog

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