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Spongebob is a cute cartoon character, especially loved by children. Thanks to his great impact, were created objects, gadgets, dedicated to the character and at his world. The Spongebob watches are of different types, you can find on the market watches, table clocks, alarm clocks and wall clocks, always in style and light-hearted fun of nice sponge.

The Spongebob watches were designed for children: the leather strap is hypoallergenic, and is well suited to the size of the wrists of children, as is the case, stainless steel and water resistant. The dial is colored yellow, and resumes the effigy of the sponge in one of his many funny expressions, has a quartz movement and to facilitate the reading, are marked all the 12 hours.

The clocks are the ideal gadget to decorate the bedroom of the youngest and the structure of these watches are made of aluminum or hard plastic, colorful and lively and the size of the dial is usually about 1'. Also in this case, the movement is quartz and the bottom of the clock is formed by a print in which has been illustrated Spongebob. The operation is a battery, through a stack stylus.

The table clocks of Spongebob, can be either with or without an alarm clock. Those with the alarm clock, are constructed as the mechanical properties of the alarm clocks of a time: at set time, a stick to beat the two bells is aluminum, placed on top of the clock, making them play. All the alarm clock is built in colored aluminum. The table clocks, however, have a particular form: they are without slide and are constituted by a dial, resting on a vertical support, always with very bright colors.

The line of Spongebob is designed for children, so all materials are suitable for their use, with manufacturer's warranty of reliability and safety of the materials used. They are very colorful, cheerful and lively and will make you happy, the child who will receive them as gifts.

This is a sample list, about the type of items that were published.
SpongeBob Squarepants Children's Analogue Watch
SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS 3 Sport Metal Mens Watches
SpongeBob Wristwatch Square Face Quartz Watch E1G1E7
SpongeBob SquarePants Yellow Nooka Zub Zot 38mm Watch limited edition is not responsible of the link external to this web site