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From Monday to Friday at 7.30 and 16,20

From October 3rd a new generation "Cartoon Cartoons" arrives on Cartoon Network: JUNIPER LEE, starring a girl who, like all 11-year-olds, goes to school, goes out with friends and has many hobbies. But in addition to her "normal" life, Juniper is responsible for the Balance between the World of Magic and Humanity. From the author of comic books, Judd Winick, comes an animated comedy-adventure with characters inspired by real life and the fantasy world.
Beyond the daily adventures of a preteen, Juniper Lee is grappling with her role as Te-zuan-ze, aka The Protector. For generations a member of his family has had the honor and the burden of maintaining the balance between the Real World and that of Magic. Now it's Juniper's turn. Regardless of what he is doing, he may suddenly be faced with an unruly magical creature appearing on Earth. But Juniper is endowed with extraordinary strength and great magical abilities: a monster is not a problem for her. The real challenge of being the Te-zuan-ze is maintaining the balance between the life of a preteen and the secret role of Protector. Juniper's suspicious behavior has earned her a reputation as an eccentric but, fortunately, there are people with whom she can share her secret. Grandma, the former Te-zuan-ze, uses her wisdom to guide Juniper through difficult situations and the burden of being the Protector. Ray Ray, the brave and very jealous 8-year-old brother, who like her has magical gifts, is constantly by her side. Then there is Monroe, Juniper's petulant dog, an expert in magic and the history of generations of Te-zuan-ze. A little too often, Monroe offers his opinion. Have fun with the magical adventures of this new band of friends!

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