Chip & Charly - The 1990 animated series

Chip & Charly - The 1990 animated series

Chip & Charly is a 26-episode animated television series broadcast on France 2 in 1990, produced by France Animation and D'Ocon Films Productions. The cartoons are based on the children's book series of the same name created in Germany by Erhard Dietl and Gabriel Nemeth for Ravensburger between 1988 and 1992.

In Italy the series is broadcast on Junior TV.

Chip is a rabbit, his friend Charly is a mouse, and they live in the town of Fafnirville, which owes its name to the fact that it is home to the dragon Fafnir.

Episode titles

  1. The day of the dragon ("Le Jour de Fafnir")
  2. Mr. Mayor ("Monsieur le Maire")
  3. Beware of ghosts ("Alerte aux Fantômes")
  4. Madame Laupina's necklace ("Le Collier de Madame Loupina")
  5. Fuzzy Master ("Fuzzy Maestro")
  6. Fafnirette's treasure ("Le Trésor de Fafnirette")
  7. The Panther Rap Rock ("The Panthera Rap Rock")
  8. Melody Goat's violin ("Le Violon de Melody Goat")
  9. The Fafirville casino ("Le Casino de Fafirville")
  10. The crown of America ("La Couronne de l'Amérique")
  11. ("Le Neveu de Fafnir")
  12. ("Les Lingots de Mamie Gold")
  13. ("L'Artichaut d'Or")
  14. ("Fuzzi Bienfaiteur")
  15. ("Anniversaire Surprise")
  16. ("The Baguette Magique")
  17. ("Les Champions de la Cuisine")
  18. ("Mystère Sous la Plage")
  19. ("The Pierre Philosophale")
  20. ("Le Portrait de Fafnir")
  21. ("Oncle Chip")
  22. ("Touristes à Gogo")
  23. ("Bonzo Chef de Gang")
  24. ("Mamie Gold Veut Voler")
  25. ("La Rivière de Diamants")
  26. The treasure ("Le Trésor")

Technical data

Original title. Chip & Charly
Country French
Author Erhard Dietl, Gabriel Nemeth
Regia James Appleton, Antoni D'Ocon
Film script Gilles Taurand, Olivier Massart, Christophe Izard (collaborator)
Artistic Dir Jean-Batiste Cuvelier
Music Tony Rallo
Studio France Animation, D'Ocon Films Productions
Network Canal J, France 2
Date 1st TV 1990
Episodes 26 (complete)
Duration ep. 22-23 mins
Italian network JuniorTV


Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website