Dotakon - The 1981 anime series
Dotakon (め ち ゃ っ こ ド タ コ ン Mechakko Dotakon) is a Japanese anime series directed by Takeshi Shirato and produced by Kokusai Eigasha in 1981 consisting of 28 episodes. The series was broadcast by the Fuji TV network starting from April 1981 and in Italy on Italia 1 in 1983.
Michiru Dan is the eccentric daughter of a wealthy Japanese family who, unlike her two sisters and despite the wishes of her family, spends most of her time inventing new inventions in her laboratory. One of these inventions is precisely the robot Dotakon, with the features of a child, he makes trouble but is very generous. Michiru creates Dotakon's younger sister Chopiko in the features of a pretty little girl, whose face is half covered with an eggshell. Their "robotic" nature combined with the great ingenuity that follows will often put the two android kids in misunderstandings and adventures.
Technical data
Regia Takeshi Shirato
Studio Kokusai eigasha
Date 1st TV April 4 - October 10 1981
Episodes 28 (complete)
Episode duration 24 minutes
Italian network Italia 1
Date 1st Italian TV 1983