Demi-God, the live-action and animated series from Fox Entertainment
Fox continues to build its television animation pantheon by entering the production of Demi-God, a new hybrid comedy live-action / single-camera animation of thethe writer Katie Greenway. Fox Entertainment has given Greenway the assignment to write the script for the series.
Demi-God tells of a helpless fast food worker who escapes his daily grind through the fantasy world he creates in his favorite video game. But his illusion of escape from reality fades when a game update grants entry to virtual citizens.
The project joins a steady stream of new animated series recently announced in the works, including a collaboration with Superior Donuts star Jermaine Fowler, Daniel Cardenas Katz's Ocean village, The X-Files: Albuquerque starting from Paradise PD writers / producers Rocky Russo and Jeremy Sosenko and a new series from Dan Harmon, as well as pre-pandemic pickups such as Temporary humans e housebroken.
[Source: Deadline]