Icare - the animated film of 2022
Icare is a Luxembourgish, Belgian and French animated film directed by Carlo Vogele in 2022. It is a 2D animated film, inspired by Greek mythology. The film tells a rewrite of the myths of Icarus, the Minotaur, Ariadne and Theseus imagining the Minotaur as a peaceful creature.
Icarus is the young apprentice of his father, the famous inventor Daedalus, in his sculpture workshop in Knossos. His life is turned upside down by the discovery of a mysterious boy with a bull's head who lives hidden in the Royal Palace. A secret friendship unites the two teenagers until King Minos locks the "Monster" into the labyrinth, built by Daedalus. At the same time, Icarus loses his only friend and the trust he had in his father.
When Prince Theseus arrives in Crete to kill the Minotaur, Icarus is ready to do anything to save his childhood friend. Unfortunately, the infernal machine sets in motion and the young dreamer's disillusionment culminates in a tragic choice between darkness and light.
Icarus will find Ariane to get along with her, convinced that he can come up with a plan to save both Theseus' and Asterion's lives. Using the ball of yarn, Ariadne allows Theseus to orient himself in the Labyrinth to get out of it. Icarus believes he convinced Ariadne and Theseus to save Asterion's life, which is not this bloodthirsty monster Minos would like to call the Minotaur. Alas, Theseus succumbs to the dark twists and turns of the Labyrinth and forgets his promise: at the last moment, he becomes bloodthirsty and kills Asterion.
When Icarus finds the couple on the dock where he has prepared a boat for them, he notices that Theseus' sword is stained with blood. Theseus and Ariadne flee in the boat, but Icarus remains of him: trying to secure the fate of Asterion, he finds himself locked in the Labyrinth with his father Daedalus by a furious Minos. Ingenious, Daedalus manages to make waxed wings for his son and himself. Icarus soars into the sky, but instead of listening to his father's advice, he soars towards the sun, where the feathers of his wings stand out as the wax melts. Icarus falls into the ocean, but thus reaches the sun where Asterion's spirit seems to be waiting for him.
Technical data
Title: Icarus
Directed by: Charles Vogele
Film script: Carlo Vogele, Isabelle Andrivet
Original music: Andre Dziezuk
Editor: Michel Dimmer
Production company: Rezo Productions, Iris Productions
Distribution company: Bac Films Distribution (France and international)
Country of Production: Luxembourg, Belgium, France Flag of Luxembourg Flag of Belgium Flag of France
Format: color - 1,78: 1
Duration: 77 minutes
Exit date : France 30 March 2022