Inanimatti Inc. Revolutionizes the World of Animation with “Arky Arch Adventures”
In an industry dominated by the usual giants, a new production company is poised to conquer the global animation stage. Previewed at the prestigious MIPJunior and MIPCOM events this fall, Inanimatti Inc. enthusiastically announces its first project: “Arky Arch Adventures”. But what makes this initiative so special? The answer lies in the names behind them.
An Elite Team
Inanimatti was co-founded by Chris Bangle, a visionary car designer known for his work with BMW, Mini, Rolls Royce and others. Eric S. Rollman, an industry veteran with decades of experience and previous leadership roles at Marvel Animation, Saban Entertainment and Fox Family Productions, will direct the project.
A Story That Conquers
But let's get to the point: what is “Arky Arch Adventures” about? It is an animated series made up of 13 episodes of 20 minutes each, intended for children aged 6 to 12. The story follows the adventures of Arky, a young Roman Arc who embarks on a risk-filled journey to the planet Tredi to discover his true purpose and save the world from ruin. And all this in a surprising historical context: the times of the Gothic Wars, where objects and "things" come to life.
A Universe of Imagination
Inanimatti's primary goal is to create a universe that inspires imagination and creativity, while also providing valuable lessons on diversity and acceptance. Chris Bangle explains that the vision behind the project is that of a world seen through the eyes of a car designer: a world in which buildings and objects are “alive”.
Deep Themes, Exciting Adventures
Eric S. Rollman points out that the project is pioneering not only for its high-quality animation, but also for the way it conveys meaningful themes in a form that children around the world will understand and appreciate.
In Good Hands
Let's not forget that Rollman is an Emmy Award-winning producer and has a long list of credits in both animation and live-action programming. Its current portfolio includes hit series such as “Good Times: Black Again” (Netflix) and “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” (Amazon), to name a few.
In conclusion
“Arky Arch Adventures” is a breath of fresh air in the world of animation. With a team of industry veterans and an innovative vision, the project is ready to conquer both audiences and critics. Stay tuned to find out what Inanimatti Inc. has in store for the world of animation in the near future.
We can't wait to see it debut at MIPJunior and witness the impact it will have on the universe of children's animation.