Discovering the Americas – The 1991 animated series
“Discovering the Americas” (original title “Il était une fois… les Amériques”), is a French animated television series created by Albert Barillé in 1991. Part of the “Once upon a time…” series, this series stands out for its educational and entertaining approach to the history of the American continent.
Development and Plot
The series, made up of 26 episodes lasting 25 minutes each, was developed by Procidis and broadcast in Italy on Italia 1 in 1993. “Discovering the Americas” tells the story of American civilisations, from the Eskimos to the Aztecs and the Incas, and covers significant historical events such as the Conquest of the West and the American Revolutionary War.
Characters and Dubbing
The main characters are voiced by well-known voices in the animation scene. Among these, Roger Carel lends his voice to the Maestro, while Maurizio Scattorin dubs him in the Italian version. Other voice actors include Ivo De Palma, Riccardo Rovatti, Alessandra Karpoff and Giovanni Battezzato.
The episodes deal with various topics, starting from the first Americans, passing through the history of the Aztecs before the conquest, the dream of Christopher Columbus, the war of independence, up to the gold rush and the end of the Indian people. Each episode is a window into a different and crucial moment in American history.
Cultural impact
“Let's rediscover the Americas” is not just a cartoon, but a real teaching tool that has allowed generations of children and adults to learn history in an engaging and accessible way. The series, with its combination of historical accuracy and compelling storytelling, has left an indelible imprint on the collective memory.
In conclusion, “Let's Rediscover the Americas” is an excellent example of how animation can be used to educate and entertain. The series, with its rich narrative and unique approach to history, continues to be a point of reference in the panorama of educational animated series.
Technical Sheet
- Original title: It was one day… the Americas
- Italian title: Let's rediscover the Americas
- Creation: Albert Barillé
- Production: Procidis
- Country: France
- First TV in France: 1991
- First TV in Italy: 1993 on Italy 1
- Episodes: 26
- Episode Duration: 25 minutes
- Gender: Historical, Educational
- Italian dubbing: Maurizio Scattorin (Maestro), Ivo De Palma, Riccardo Rovatti, Alessandra Karpoff, Giovanni Battezzato
- Italian acronym: Written by Alessandra Valeri Manera and composed by Carmelo Carucci, sung by Cristina D'Avena
This series is part of the "Once upon a time..." series and stands out for its unique and engaging approach to the history of the American continent, making it a fundamental work for historical education through animation.