Royal Crackers – the animated series for adults of 2022
Royal Crackers is a half-hour animated series that follows two brothers: Stebe, a family man with his wife and son; and Theo Jr., a single bass player trying to relive his glory days. Together they live in their comatose father's house waiting for him to die (he never does) so they can inherit his cracker business empire. Royal Crackers was created by Ruiz, who also serves as an executive producer with Seth Cohen. The series is produced by Titmouse and will premiere on Adult Swim in 2022.
Ruiz began creating web animation at age 12 and was the first screenwriter to emerge from the Fox/20th Joint Inkubation Program with a pilot project completed. He has also been listed since New York Times as one of five up-and-coming animators to watch, which also included Rebecca Sugar and Justin Roiland. Ruiz previously created and developed original animated content for Super Deluxe and Fox.