Ruy the little Cid - the 1983 animated series

Ruy the little Cid - the 1983 animated series

Ruy, the little Cid is an animated adventure series produced by the Spanish studio BRB Internacional and Televisión Española with the animation of the Japanese studio Nippon Animation. The series is based on the life of El Cid, an XNUMXth century Spanish hero and was the first original project by Dogtanian creator Claudio Biern Boyd.

The story is about the fictional and adventurous childhood of this character in XNUMXth century Castile. At the beginning of each chapter there was a historical introduction of the moment: King Ferdinand I, always engaged in warlike enterprises against the rest of the peninsular kingdoms, had unified the Kingdom of Castile with that of León, something that not all the Leonese nobles do. While little Rodrigo dreams of being a brave gentleman.


Aunt Juana
King Fernando


1 In a town called Vivar - En un pueblo llamado Vivar
「小 さ な 騎士 誕生」 - chiisa na kishi tanjō February 6, 1984
2 Ruy, I'm your father - Ruy, yo soy you father
「お 父 さ ん の 教 え」 - o tōsan no oshie February 7, 1984
3 Ruy in the monastery - Ruy en el monasterio
「修道院 の あ ば れ ん 坊」 - shūdōin noabaren bō February 8, 1984
4 A donkey in the chapel - Un asno en la capilla
「礼 拝 堂 の ロ バ」 - reihaidō no stuff 9 February 1984
5 Ruy punished - Ruy, punished
「い た ず ら の 報 い」 - itazurano mukui February 10, 1984
6 Ruy, the group leader - Ruy, el jefe de la pandilla
「僕 は ガ キ 大将」 - bokuha gaki taishō February 13, 1984
7 The giant's tower - El torreón del gigante
「探 検 ご っ こ」 - tanken gokko February 14, 1984
8 The flight of Ruy - El vuelo de Ruy
「空 を 飛 ん だ ル イ」 - sora wo ton da rui February 15, 1984
9 The silver horseshoe - La herradura de plata
「悪 代 官 の 城」 - akudaikan no shiro February 16, 1984
10 Ruy and the three vagabonds - Ruy y los tres vagabundos
「ル イ と 三人 の 流 れ も の」 - rui to sannin no nagare mono February 17, 1984
11 The surrounded castle - El castillo sitiado
「身 代 わ り の 決 闘」 - mi kawari no kettō February 20, 1984
12 The brass horseman - El caballero de latón
「ブ リ キ の 騎士」 - buriki no kishi February 21, 1984
13 The disappearance of Florinda - El rapto de Florinda
「牛 男 た ち の 秘密」 - ushi otoko tachino himitsu February 22, 1984
14 A night in the cemetery - Una noche en el cementerio
「魂 の 墓 場」 - tamashii no hakaba February 23, 1984
15 The mad executioner - El loco justiciero
「谷 間 の 決 闘」 - tanima no kettō February 24, 1984
16 Ruy recovers in Peka - Ruy recovers in Peka
「ル イ の 猪 退 治」 - rui no inoshishi taiji February 27, 1984
17 The champion - El estandarte
「お 城 が な い」 - o shiro ganai February 28, 1984
18 The ghost of Doña Berenguela - El fantasma de doña Berenguela
「水車 小屋 の 幽 霊」 - suishagoya no yūrei February 29, 1984
19 A castle for Martín - Un castillo para Martín
「丘 の 上 の 城」 - oka no ueno shiro 1st March 1984
20 The bells of Manco - Las campanas de Mancorbo
「パ ン コ ル ボ の 鐘」 - pankorubo no kane 2 March 1984
21 The inhabitants of the mountain - Los monañeses
「裁 か れ る ル イ」 - sabaka reru rui March 5, 1984
22 The pilgrims' bridge - El puente de los peregrinos
「ド ミ ン ゴ の 橋」 - domingo no hashi 6 March 1984
23 The conspiracy - La conspiración
「テ ク ス フ ィ ン の 陰謀」 - tekusufin no inbō 7 March 1984
24 A mortal arrow - Una flecha mortal
「空 を 飛 ぶ 矢」 - sora wo tobu ya March 8, 1984
25 The King in Peril - El rey en peligro
「カ ス テ ィ ー リ ヤ 城 の 危機」 - kasuteiriya shiro no kiki 9 March 1984
26 Ruy, the Cid valiant - Ruy, el Cid campeador
「い つ の 日 か 、 エ ル ・ シ ド に」 - itsuno nichi ka, eru. shido ni 12 March 1984

Technical data and credits

Anime TV series

Regia Fumio Kurokawa
Film script Kozo Kuzuha
Studio Nippon Animation, BRB International
Network TV Tokyo
1st TV 6 February - 12 March 1984
Episodes 26 (complete)
Relationship 4:3
Duration ep. 25 min
It network. Italia 1
1st Italian TV 1983
Episodes it. 26 (complete)
Duration ep. it. 25 min
Double studio it. Merak Film
Double Dir. it. Augustus DiBono


Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website