The Brady Kids – The 1972 animated series
The Brady Kids is an American animated television series based on the live-action sitcom The Brady Bunch, produced by Filmation in collaboration with Paramount Television. The series aired on ABC from September 9, 1972 to October 6, 1973.
The series was created by Sherwood Schwartz, the creator of the original series The Brady Bunch. The animated series sees the six children protagonists of the original series voice their animated characters in the first season.
The characters of the parents and the housekeeper Alice were omitted from the animated series. The series had two seasons, for a total of 22 episodes. The series was also inspired by another Filmation series, Mission: Magic!, starring Rick Springfield.
Production of the series was supervised by Lou Schiemer and Norm Prescott, but Schwartz also took an active part in the production, reviewing scripts and offering creative consultancy.
The series has featured many crossovers with other popular characters, such as Superman and Wonder Woman. The series mirrored the typical style of 70s children's animated series, including the use of a recorded laugh track and an opening that depicted the Brady characters as animated counterparts.
Some episodes of the series were adapted from the television series The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie, with a total of 22 episodes produced and broadcast between the first and second seasons.
The Brady Kids is a series that was part of the Saturday morning cartoons television schedule and has become a cult series. The series had a significant impact on popular culture and made the Brady Bunch characters even more famous and loved by the public.
Gender: Entrainment
Created by: sherwood schwartz
Directed by: Hal Sutherland
Voices of:
- Barry Williams
- Maureen McCormick
- Christopher Knight
- Eve Plumb
- Mike Lookinland
- Susan Olsen
- Larry Storch
- Jane Webb
- Erika Scheimer
- Lane Scheimer
- Frank DeVol (theme music)
- Ray Ellis (incidental music)
Country of origin: United States
Original language: English
Number of Seasons: 2
Number of Episodes: 22
- Executive Producer: Sherwood Schwartz
- Producers: Norm Prescott, Lou Scheimer
- Publishers: Doreen A. Dixon, Joseph Simon
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Production companies: Filmation, Paramount Television
Original Release:
- Network: ABC
- Release Date: September 9, 1972 – October 6, 1973
- The Brady Bunch
- The Brady Bunch Hour
- Mission: Magic!