The Pup - The Japanese animated series from 1983
The Cub (Japanese original: 子 鹿 物語 Kojika monogatari) is a Japanese animated series (anime) directed by Masaaki Ōsumi and produced by the MK Company under the direction of Masaki Osumi, in association with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - United Artists Television . The series is inspired by the novel of the same name by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and consists of 52 episodes, first broadcast by the Japanese broadcaster NHK since November 8, 1983. The character design was created by Junichi Seki and the music was composed by Koichi Sugiyama. In Italy, the animated series was broadcast for the first time by Raidue starting from 1 April 1985, and in the following years by the main local broadcasters.
The series is about a boy named Jodie Baxter, who lives with his family on a farm in the forests of Florida. While hunting a bear, his father is bitten by a rattlesnake, but manages to save himself with the liver of a doe. Since he had a fawn, the Baxters take him and adopt him. Jodie takes care of the animal, calls it a scrub and develops a deep bond with it. Other characters include Jodie's best friend Frederick Forrester, her classmate Eulalie, teacher Miss Twink, and Frederick's older brother Buck.
Over the course of the series, Jodie has to endure many adventures and trials, which slowly mature him into a man. Eventually he has to cope with Frederick's death. Additionally, he later has to shoot his beloved deer, Fleck, as he threatens the Baxter family's crops.
Technical data
Anime TV series
Author Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Regia Masaaki Osumi
Producer Yoshiro Hirota, Tadayoshi Watanabe, Koichi Ishiguro
Film script Shunichi Yukimuro
Char. design Shuichi Seki
Music Koichi Sugiyama
Studio MK Company
Network NHK
1st TV 8 November 1983 - 29 January 1985
Episodes 52 (complete)
Relationship 4:3
Episode duration 24 min
Italian network Rai 2, local televisions
1st Italian TV April 1, 1985
Dialogues it. Sergio Patou