The Indian animated film “Bombay Rose” will be released on Netflix on December 4th
The animated film Bombay Pink directed by Gitanjali Rao is officially coming to Netflix for December 4th. The animated love story that dances between the reality of life and the Bollywood screen, has already won audiences and critics at film festivals around the world. The film screened at the Venice Critics' Week, TIFF, Gijon, Chicago (winning the Silver Hugo in the New Directors Competition) and Mumbai Film Festival (Silver Gateway of India).
Synopsis: On the run from a childhood marriage, a young club dancer living on the streets of Bombay must choose between defending herself from her family and finding love with a boy orphaned by militancy. Painted frame by frame and delicately woven through music, a red rose brings together three tales of impossible loves. Love between a Hindu girl and a Muslim boy. Love between two women. The love of an entire city for its Bollywood stars. Based on real events, the film explores the ruthlessness of a society where love and life that reigns on the big screen can crush you within its mean streets.
Rao wrote and directed the film, which features the voices of Cyli Khare, Amit Deondi, Gargi Shitole and Makrand Deshpande. The producers are Soumitra Ranade, Rohit Khattar and Anand Mahindra; executive producers are Deborah Sathe and Tessa Inkelaar Animation; the co-producers are Charlotte Uzu and Serge Lalou.