Phineas sareng Ferb The Movie: Candace Versus the Universe on Disney +

Phineas sareng Ferb The Movie: Candace Versus the Universe on Disney +

Streaming 28 Agustus dina Disney +

Lanceukna Phineas sareng Ferb, lanceukna Candace, Perry the Platypus sareng geng Danville parantos ngahiji deui. Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace ngalawan Alam Semesta, petualangan animasi kaluar-of-ieu-dunya, ku Disney Télévisi Animasi. Dihasilkeun ku Dan Povenmire sareng Jeff "Swampy" Marsh (panyipta sareng produser eksekutif séri Emmy Award-unggul "Phineas and Ferb"), pilem éta museur kana perjalanan Phineas sareng Ferb meuntas galaksi anu nekad nyalametkeun Candace, anu engké diculik ku mahluk luar angkasa, manehna manggihan dunya sampurna dina planét jauh, devoid duduluran bangor.

Kategori:                                                       Pilem kartun

premiere:                                                         Jumaah 28 Agustus

tuang:                                                                   Ashley Tisdale (Candace Flynn)

                                                                              Vincent Martella (Phineas Flynn)

                                                                              David Errigo Jr (Ferb Fletcher)

                                                                              Caroline Rhea (Ibu)

                                                                              Dee Bradley Baker (Perry the Platypus)

                                                                              Alyson Stoner (Isabella)

                                                                              Maulik Pancholy (Baljeet)

                                                                              Bobby Gaylor (Buford)

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Gianluigi Piludu

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