Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum Edition (Trailer) Gianluigi Piludu 3 anni fa Vai al video sul canale ufficiale Youtube DYNITchannel Articoli correlati: Neon Genesis Evangelion – la serie anime e manga del 1995 Neon Genesis Evangelion regge? EVANGELION: DEATH (TRUE)²/THE END OF EVANGELION (Trailer) Evangelion: 1.11 (Trailer) GKIDS acquisisce i diritti del NorAm per "Neon Genesis Evangelion" Evangelion: 3.0 (Trailer) Evangelion: 3.33 (Trailer) Guarda il video trailer di EVANGELION: DEATH (TRUE)²/THE END OF EVANGELION Evangelion Night (Trailer) Evangelion 3.0+1.11 Thrice Upon A Time (Trailer) EVANGELION: 3.0+1.01 THRICE UPON A TIME (Trailer 90") EVANGELION: 3.0+1.01 THRICE UPON A TIME (Trailer 15") Evangelion: 2.22 (Trailer) Gintama su Prime Video (Trailer) The Vision of Escaflowne – Perfect Edition (Trailer) Never Ending Man (Trailer – Home Video) Eureka Seven Trailer Simulcast Autunno 2015 – VVVVID & Dynit (Trailer)