Cartoons Online - Resources on cartoons and comics

IRON MAN - Assault on AIM

Iron Man must inspect a factory, where AIM forces are hiding ready to launch their attack. It is the classic target shooting game. All you have to do is try to click with the mouse, over the objectives (red targets) that pop up suddenly. At the beginning of each level you will be shown a number of targets to hit and the maximum time you will have at your disposal to complete the mission. Pay close attention to the opposing robots, because you have to hit them right away, before they are the ones to fire their bullets. In case you can't stop them from firing, red bullets will start from them, slow but inexorable in approaching you: all you have to do is try to hit them to defuse them, but this will waste precious time. With the passage to the various levels, these robots will become more and more numerous and tough, therefore more and more difficult to break down. At the start of each game, you will have the option to choose normal or epic mode. Iron Man will have to fight in various environments: outside the factory, in the warehouse, in the freight elevator and finally in the bunker.

Good fun!


By clicking on PLAY you will be directed to the page of the site relating to the game.
All characters and images are copyright © Marvel Comic and right holders.
Cartonionline has made the link to the site in order to review the game.