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A magical summer nightA new European-produced 3D graphics animation film has been released. After the German Style now also the Spaniards are trying to fit into a genre that sees the American blockbusters of Pixar, Dreamwork and Disney excel. A Magical Summer Night is a story loosely based on Shakepeare's classic masterpiece "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Legend has it that once a year, during the summer solstice, humans manage to enter the magical world of fairies and elves, a place dominated by harmony where dreams come true. Helen is an intelligent and down-to-earth girl who does not believe in legends and the usefulness of dreams. Unfortunately, however, his father, A magical summer nightDuke Theseus, an aristocrat dreamer with a gentle soul, is seriously ill and young Helen is willing to do anything to see the spark of life shine again in the eyes of her beloved parent, even if this involves setting off on a journey in search of Titania , the Queen of the Fairies. The girl leaves in the company of the ambitious and skeptical banker Demetrius, thirsty for power and the imaginative Lysander, a bizarre and clumsy inventor. The two are vying to win the heart of the beautiful Helen. However, the magical fairy world long forgotten by men is no longer what it once was. A magical summer nightHis King, Oberon, is a chubby, fun-loving goblin who spends his time amidst spells, always accompanied by his assistant Puck, a skilled and mischievous goblin, the only one who can have access to both worlds. ; the real one and the dream one. Finally they also meet Titania, the queen of the fairies in the land of dreams, theseus' muse. Titania loves Oberon, but she is unwilling to accept his lifestyle, which is all about fun and the fact that humans are losing the ability to dream. Magical places, lazy fairies, ambitious witches and ... a queen no one can find.


Cartoon A magical summer night
Original title: El sueño de una noche de San Juan
Country: Spain, Portugal
Year: 2005
Gender: 3D animation
Duration: 85 '
Directed by: Ángel de la Cruz, Manolo Gómez
Production:Dygra, Appiafilmes
Distribution: Medusa
Exit : May 26, 2006 (cinema)


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