SYM-BIONIC TITAN, unreleased animated series born from the genius of Genndy Tartakovsky (talented director and cartoonist of series such as Dexter's Laboratory and Samurai Jack) and produced by the American Cartoon Network Studios, arrives in June for the first time on the screens: action and intergalactic adventures are guaranteed. After a notable international success, the show was awarded the Pulcinella Award for Best Animation Series for Tweens during this year's edition of Cartoons on the bay, the International Festival of television and cross-media animation which was held in Rapallo last April.
The Plot. Sym-bionic Titan tells the adventures of three teenage aliens who arrived on Earth to escape the war waged by the evil General Modula, who has taken possession of their planet Galaluna. Ilana, Princess of Galaluna and sole heir to the throne, Lance, a soldier member of the Royal Guard as capable as he is rebellious, and Octus, the bio-cybernetic robot "mind" of the group, must now "blend in" in the everyday life of a high school in Sherman, Illinois, in order to keep their true identities secret and be safe. During the numerous intergalactic clashes with the enemy, Octus activates his bionic defense program and together with his companions gives life to the gigantic and spectacular cybernetic robot Sym-Bionic Titan. The Titan is endowed with numerous powers, including that of flying, transforming and creating holograms, as well as being able to forge different weapons and particular defense actions depending on the combat. The adventures of young bionic aliens will ensure action and suspense, but also irony and fun thanks to the double identity of the protagonists, divided between high school life and that of intergalactic warriors.
Present in 170 countries, in 22 languages and in 260 million homes, CARTOON NETWORK reaches 4.6 million families subscribed to SKY Italia (channel 606) in our country. CARTOON NETWORK + 1 (channel 607 of the satellite platform) presents the same programming delayed by one hour. The channel is also available in the kids package on digital terrestrial TV, Mediaset Premium Fantasy. Cartoon Network is also present on Fastweb's IPTV with the TV channel, reaching an additional 200 thousand families, and with CARTOON NETWORK ON DEMAND, the first on demand channel dedicated to children. CN is also on the 3 ITALIA TV cabinet with its programming. On CARTOONNETWORK.IT, more than 20 minisites with games, downloadables and videos, as well as contests and the My CN community.
Cartoon Network programming>
Sym-Bionic Titan is copyright Cartoon Network, Turner and its owners and is used here exclusively for information and dissemination purposes.