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Kyashan - The rebirthOn July 14, the film Kyashan, the rebirth, inspired by the famous, was released in cinemas cartoon from the 70s. Although the young director Kazuaki Kiriya retraces the basic plot of the anime, there are substantial differences, which many fans will not go unnoticed. The film is undoubtedly aimed at an adult audience and takes up topical issues such as genetic manipulation and terrorism, trying to deepen them with the interesting dialogues of the protagonists. What disappoints is the absence or almost the absence of some characteristic characters such as the mechanical swan, the dog Flender, the characteristic helmet that was used to recharge Kyashan with solar energy after each battle, however many science fiction themes of the 70s, today appear somewhat naive and the reference model in this case is closer to the settings of Matrix. Kyashan - The rebirthThe story takes place in the near future, where the Eastern Federation defeated Europe and gave rise to Eurasia, which, however, has to face terrorism. In this context, the scientist Azuma (played by Akira Terao), in an attempt to save his wife Midori from an incurable disease, manages to create in the laboratory a gene called Neo-Cell which, reproducing autonomously, can restore life to any human being. This secret comes into the hands of Shinzo who forms the group of Neo Sapiens, of the dead resurrected by the Neo-Cell that stands in contrast with mankind. They take refuge in a mountain and form an army of androids, led by Black King whose aim is to give birth to a new race and destroy mankind. In the cartoon the androids reminded the Nazi hierarchs and even if this genre of reference disappears in the film, we still see the theme of the perfect race developing. Azuma uses the Neo Cell to restore life to his son Tetsuya, who died during the war against terrorism, who transformed into the powerful Kyashan, will have the task of fighting the androids with his powerful weapons (the same as in the cartoon). Kyashan - The rebirthTo assist him as always, will be his girlfriend Luna. The battle scenes are spectacular and full of special effects, created with 3d computer graphics, such as the terrifying robots credibly Really. The photography is also stunning, built with skilful play of light and color that adds to the dramatic atmosphere of the action scenes. To this must be added the beautiful music of Utada Hikaru, one of the most famous Japanese pop singers. It is a real pity, however, that a stylistic beauty does not correspond to a narrative, as the film is weighed down with long and interminable dialogues, which slow down its pace. However Kyashan rebirth is one of the most important live-action movies inspired by a Japanese cartoon and hopefully opens the way for other mythical characters. See you when the movies on Grendizer, jeeg e Captain Harlock?

Kyashan - The rebirth
Original title: Casshern
Country: Japan
Year: 2004
Gender: Science fiction - Comics
Duration: 141 '
Directed by: Kazuaki Kiriya
Actors:Yusuke Iseya, Kumiko Aso, Akira Terao, Kanako Higuchi, Fumiyo Kohinata, Hiroyuki Miyasako
Production:Casshern Film Partners, Tatsunoko Productions Co. Ltd., Shochiku Co. Ltd.
Distribution:Time Code
Exit :July 14, 2006 (cinema)
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All names, images and registered trademarks are copyright Casshern Film Partners, Tatsunoko Productions Co. Ltd., Shochiku Co. Ltd. and of the rights holders and are used here exclusively for information and disclosure purposes.

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