Digital Devil Infernal Incarnation - The 1987 anime film

Digital Devil Infernal Incarnation - The 1987 anime film

Digital Devil hellish incarnation (original Japanese title Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei) is a Japanese animated (anime) film about horror gebere. Aimed at the OAV market, it was created in 1987 by the Movic studios under the direction of Hiroyuky Krazima.


Roki is a demonic being with a mysterious and frightening force, created by the computer of a young computer genius named Akemi. This digital monster has such demonic energy that it requires human sacrifices to be fueled. Meanwhile, in Akemi's school, a new girl arrives, Yumiko who immediately falls in love with the boy, but Akemi is too absorbed in her work at the Computer to notice her. In fact, the programmer's goal is to use Roki to take revenge on all those who have made him rude, thus proposing to kill, one after the other, the teachers and schoolmates. Akemi's diabolical plan goes well, until the digital monster takes over and begins to attack everything and everyone, including his creator Akemi who will have to remedy his mistake.

Technical data

Original title: Digital Devil monogatari megami tensei
English title: Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
Kanji title: デ ジ タ ル ・ デ ビ ル 物語 [ス ト ー リ ー] 女神 転 生
Country: Japan
Category: OAV series
Gender: Action Drama Sci-Fi Horror
Year: 1987
Episodes: 1

Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website