Japanese Union: 60% of actors and voice actors earn half or less revenue in May - News

Japanese Union: 60% of actors and voice actors earn half or less revenue in May - News

22,9% do not earn income, 57,3% have no extra job requests

The Japan Actors Union reported Wednesday that, based on 293 respondents, over 60% of independent actors and voice actors expect to receive half or less of their regular earnings starting in May. Of the respondents, 43,3% expected to receive an income equal to half the normal or lower income and another 22,9% said they did not receive any income.

Over 90% of respondents reported fewer job vacancies. 34,8% of respondents reported a reduction in future job applications, while 57,3% said they had not received any applications. Survey Opened to the replies of 12 May.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe officially confirmed the lifting of the state of emergency in 39 prefectures on 13 May. Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama and Hokkaido remain in state of emergency until Friday although government is considering revocation of the state of emergency in Tokyo.

Source: NTV 24 news through Yaraon!

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Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website www.cartonionline.com