Ladius - Quall's Lost Secret - The 1987 anime film

Ladius - Quall's Lost Secret - The 1987 anime film

Ladius - Quall's lost secret (original title 魔 境外 伝 レ ・ デ ィ ウ ス Makyou Gaiden Le Deus) is a 1987 Japanese animated film) released for OAV home video distribution by director Hiroyuki Kitakubo and Hideki Sonoda


Once upon a time there was the rich kingdom of Quall, with its capital being salem, the only place where a mineral called Lidorium could be found. This mineral generated incredible energy and had tremendous power, perhaps even to prolong life eternally. Suddenly Quall's kingdom disappeared and with it the Lidorium. A young adventurer, Lott Geenas, wants to rediscover the legendary kingdom of Quall, and has learned that the key to recovering the Lidorium is perhaps the Eye of Salem. Demster is also looking for the Eye of Salem, he wants to use it to conquer the universe. Yuta La Carradine is a girl descended from a priest of Salem and inherits the secrets of Quall. Demster's henchmen, after a fierce fight, kidnap Yuta, and it's up to Geenas to try to save her and prevent Demster from seizing Quall's secret.

Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website