Superman becomes a manga comic

Superman becomes a manga comic

The official website of the Kodansha publishing house sera magazine announced that Satoshi Miyakawa (the author of Space Battleship Tiramisu) and Kai Kitago will publish a new manga starring Superman, the famous DC Comics superhero, entitled Superman vs Meshi: Superman no Hitori Meshi , in this year's issue 14 in the evening on June 22 The manga will also serialize on Kodansha's Comic Days website. Miyakawa is writing the story and Kitagō is drawing the manga.

The story will focus on the daily pastime of the strongest man on Earth, who can hear the rumblings of stomachs across Japan at lunchtime thanks to his superhuman hearing.

The title is an obvious nod to the manga The Solitary Gourmet (Kodoku without Gourmet) by Masayuki Kusumi and Jiro Taniguchi, who tell of a lone salesman named Goro Inagashira, as he travels across Japan and samples of local cuisine found on street corners. This manga inspired an ongoing live-action series with eight seasons and an online anime, and Fanfare and Ponent Mon are planning to release the manga in English.

The Superman vs Meshi: Superman not Hitori Meshi manga is part of the second phase of DC Comics' collaboration with Kodansha, which included the launch of the Batman Justice Buster manga by manga creator duo Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi (Ultraman, Linebarrels of Iron) in evening's sister magazine Morning December last year.

The first phase of the collaboration also spawned the Wanope Joker (Joker: The One-Man Operation), which launched on Morning on January 7 earlier this year. Miyakawa also writes the story for the manga, with drawings by Keisuke Gotō.

Masato Hisa (Nobunagun, Area 51) posted a manga adaptation of the Batman Ninja anime in Monthly Hero's in June 2018 and ended it in September 2019. The manga won a Seiun Award in August 2020.


Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website