The Jackson 5ive animated series from 1971
Animated television series are entertainment that have fascinated thousands of people around the world. One such animated series was The Jackson 5ive, an animated television series that aired on ABC from September 11, 1971 to October 14, 1972. Produced by Rankin/Bass and Motown Productions, the series was a fictionalized depiction of the careers of the Motown recording group, the Jackson 5. The series was revived in syndication in 1984-85, during a time when Michael Jackson was experiencing a great period of popularity as a solo artist. It was also briefly revived in 1999 on TV Land as part of the “Super Retrovision Saturdaze” programming.
Due to numerous demands on the group, the roles of Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael were played by voice actors, with recordings of the group's songs used as the show's soundtracks. The group however contributed to the series through live photographs of each member which were transformed into cartoons and which were shown in the theme song medley. Although the musical scenes were primarily animated, occasionally live footage of Jackson 5 concerts or music videos was incorporated into the animated series. The Jackson 5 also contributed to the show by posing for photographs prior to the series' debut, which were used as posters, newspaper clippings, and TV Guide commercials to promote the upcoming television series.
The show's premise is that the Jackson Five would have adventures similar to those of Josie and the Pussycats, Alvin & the Chipmunks, or The Partridge Family, with the unique addition that Berry Gordy, the band's manager in the show's universe, would had ideas for promoting the band, such as being forced to work on a farm or playing a concert for the President of the United States. The series was followed by The Jacksons, a live variety television show, in 1976.
The animated series also included a musical soundtrack featuring a medley of four of the group's biggest hits at the time as the show's theme song. Each episode featured two Jackson 5 songs, derived from their albums.
A peculiarity of the series was the presence of pets, given that Michael Jackson owned numerous animals in real life. The series included some of his pets as additional characters, such as mice and a snake.
Like many 70s animated series, The Jackson 5ive featured a soundtrack of adult laughter. Rankin-Bass experimented with creating his own soundtrack, a practice that Hanna-Barbera had implemented, in 1971. This was done to avoid paying large fees to Charley Douglass, who edited laugh tracks onto most of the network's television programs in that time. Unlike the Hanna-Barbera soundtrack, Rankin/Bass provided a greater variety of laughs. The series was an innovative product thanks to its unique plot and its captivating musical soundtrack, which made The Jackson 5ive an animated television series much loved by the public.