Time skip in the Dragon Ball anime (in chronological order)

Time skip in the Dragon Ball anime (in chronological order)

The story of Dragon Ball Z is full of time jumps that significantly influence the plot and character development. The passage of time plays a crucial role throughout the franchise, leading characters to grow, change and face new challenges. The years that pass between story arcs are critical to evolving the story and adding emotional weight to character revelations and changes.

During the time jumps, we see Goku and his friends train, face fearsome enemies, and grow as individuals. From three years of training for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, to Goku's training with Kami, to seven years of pre-Saiyan peace after the battle with Piccolo, the passage of time always brings new challenges and new adventures for the characters.

Time jumps are not only a narrative device, but also reflect the change and growth of the characters. When we see Goku become more and more mature and powerful over the years, we realize how time is a fundamental element in the evolution of the story.

In conclusion, time jumps are an essential element in the narrative of Dragon Ball Z, leading characters to grow, face new challenges and adapt to new circumstances. The passage of time is a natural theme of the series and adds depth and meaning to the story. Dragon Ball continues to explore the theme of time in a compelling way, keeping fans enthralled and invested in the story spanning over three decades.

Source: https://www.cbr.com/

Gianluigi Piludu

Author of articles, illustrator and graphic designer of the website www.cartonionline.com

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